Dec 31, 17If you are like me and use different controllers to play games on Steam, such as the Dual Shock 4 from Sony (don't forget you can use it on Linux using the excellent ds4drv driver), you will find that sometimes games launched from Steam do not recognize the controller even though it's mapped like a regular XInput controller (ds4drv allows such a mode)Sep 28, 19Launch the Steam On the top left, click on the Steam Go to the Settings Click on the Controller Click on the " GENERAL CONTROLLER SETTING " button Select/Check your gaming controller For example, PlayStation Configuration Support If you have a generic gamepad, you should select the " Generic Gamepad Configuration Support " as wellThe Steam Overlay is vital to Steam Controller functionality Press the Steam button on your controller, or ALTTAB on your keyboard to bring up the overlay If the Steam Overlay doesn't appear, make sure you've enabled it through the Steam settings menu In the Steam client or Big Picture Mode, open the settings menu

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Steam controller usb not working
Steam controller usb not working-Hello, Ive been meaning to get a second hand steam controller, but the one that id like to buy is missing its dongle I only want to buy it as back up in case mine breaks My question is could I use the old dongle to connect the new controller, or will it not work?Apr 27, 16Jds4578 I'm having the same problem My xbox one wireless adapter is no longer working on any steam game I own and it was working just last week!

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Nov 30, 16Steam Controller Not Working Steam Controller is not working 100% It works in the menus and I can use some of the controls in game (ie fire the gun in the tutorial or look around) but I am unable to move using the thumb stick I think the anticheat is stopping it from workingRepair to wireless USB dongle Turn off your Steam Controller Launch Steam in Big Picture Mode Plug in your wireless USB dongle Select the settings icon in the topright Under 'Controller', select 'Controller settings' Select 'Add a Steam Controller' Follow the onscreen instructions to complete pairing I need more helpDec 31, The controller works with some games that I downloaded on Steam when I turn it on the controller has a blue light and allows me to play as much as I want However, I downloaded a game off of a website and my controller only seems to work when it is plugged in with a USB
To achieve PS4 controller functionality on PC you'll need the help of a piece of online softwareDec 14, 15Steam Controller works great out of the box, everything in Steam or outside of it works, but none of the games seem to notice the controller It's as if it's not plugged in or no input reaches them I can still summon steam's overlay to check configs, but the game itself does not react to the controller whatsoeverSteam Controller not working in games Support Hello, I have serious issue with my Steam Controller gamepad connected to Mac OS Catalina with standard USB connector (bluetooth the same) Before I open Steam app, controller works just like mouse When I open Steam, it no longer works as mouse, vibration sound seems to be laggy and slow
Apr 21, 21Pro Controller Not Working With PC Anymore I normally play my PC games with the Switch Pro controller, but in the middle of playing a steam game my controller stopped working all together My PC detects the pro controller in Control Panel Devices but in the actual Game Controllers configuration it does not show up for input testingAn alternative method would be to unplug the Steam Controller dongle (or USB cable) so it's not connected to the computer at all (nor any other controller), then launch FNV and go into settings to disable 360 gamepad support Essentially what this is doing is making sure FNV is not detecting any gamepad input at all and thus locking out KB/MClick Unhide Devices (might need to do this a few times);

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Oct 02, 19To get to the Steam controller settings first, go to the top left Where it says Steam, and click on settings You then click on Controller to highlight controller from there you go click on The top option which is general controller settings Once inside make sure to check the box for generic gamepad configuration supportJan 13, 21Use another USB cable If you prefer a wired connection but Steam is not detecting your PS4 DualShock 4 controller, it may be a fault in the cable you're using Try to see ifOct 17, 15To get started, open a Terminal, run a graphical text editor as root (eg sudo gedit) and paste the following code After pasting the code above, save the file with the name 99steamcontroller

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Genesis Classics USB Controller not working!Developer Make sure the Developer Settings checkbox is checked Click on Remove all SteamVR USB Devices Make sure the link box's USB cable is not plugged in and click YesSteam controller will not work wired I am trying to update the firmware for bluetooth but steam big picture is not detecting my device when wired only on the wireless mode I have tried starting steam in admin mode, doesnt help I cant even find anything steam related under device manager, and I have show hidden on

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Doing this made Steam recognise the controller as a Generic Gamepad not a Stadia Controller;From your host computer, go to SteamVR >Exit and use the other sections to check its response and current mappings

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Launch the Steam On the top left, click on the Steam Go to the Settings Click on the ControllerNintendo Switch Pro Controller detected and identified on steam, not working in game or at all with Mac Hey bought a generic switch pro controller off Amazon It connects to my mac through Bluetooth and USB but wont work for anythingPC recognizes my PS4 controller and all inputs are functional from control panel, but when i try to use in it in a game from steam nothing happens, It was working yesterday with no issues and have not messed with my controllers configuration at all

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